In Genesis 5 (Grace) we have a genealogy from ADAM to NOAH - and i believe it contains a hidden end-time prophecy that emphasizes the theme of Grace, as hinted at by the chapter number.
The Genealogy: Adam to Noah - 10 names in the Age of Conscience
It was first pointed out by Chuck Missler (Click the link: Meanings Of The Names In Genesis 5 | Koinonia House) that this Genealogy had a hidden meaning with the individual meanings of each of the names forming a sentence as follows:
Meanings of the Names
Adam - man
Seth - is appointed
Enosh - mortal
Cainan - sorrow
Mahalalel - blessed God
Jared - come down
Enoch - teaching
Methuselah - his death will bring
Lamech - the despairing
Noah - comfort
The meanings of the names form a sentence:
“Man has been appointed mortal sorrow, but the blessed God will come down teaching that His death will bring the despairing comfort…. “
Subset of Genealogy - beginning with Seth
However, there is a difference in what I have found, in that while this explanation of the hidden-meaning of the 10 name genealogy starts with Adam, what follows is actually a 5-name subset of these names, that starts with Seth, not Adam, and it is the Messiah Jesus who is appointed, not Adam.
This is not a difference that I am randomly dreaming up, rather as you will see, it is what comes out of the numbers that are associated with the genealogy. Essentially, while the names of this genealogy, on their own, point to the Cross of Jesus bringing us comfort, looking at the numbers associated with these all of these names (which are made up of both ages and time periods) we find a pointer to what I believe is the next major prophetic event of the last-days, along with some timing clues.
However, before I begin by listing the passage that includes the numbers in Genesis Chapter 5, it is worth noting that this passage starts in verse 3 and continues to verse 29 - that’s a total of 27 verses. Importantly, 27 is an end-time number because in the Bible it is associated with last things.
27 - an end-time number
For example, the first and the last verse of the bible both have patterns of 17 and 27 in relation to the number of vowels and consonants that they have. Also, Jesus who said He was the First and the Last, stated that the End would be as in the days of Noah, and literally 3 times the number 27 appears in relation to final things, in the timeline of Noah’s Flood:
The end of the rain occurred on the 27th day of the 3rd month
The end of God’s wrath symbolized by the Dove returning with the leaf of an Olive branch, occurred on the 27th day of the 11th month.
And the end of the flood / judgement occurred on the 27th day of the 2nd month, 370 days after it began.
So, I believe the structure of the verses that contain the genealogy is a hint that the hidden meaning of genealogy itself is not just about the events of the Cross, as outlined above, but is connected with another hidden completely separate end-time event that is yet to be fulfilled.
With that said, see the passage below, noting that each of the numbers we will be looking at has been highlighted by making them bold and underlined:
Genesis 5:3-29 (NKJV):
3 And Adam lived one hundred and thirty years, and begot a son in his own likeness, after his image, and named him Seth. 4 After he begot Seth, the days of Adam were eight hundred years; and he had sons and daughters. 5 So all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years; and he died. 6 Seth lived one hundred and five years, and begot Enosh. 7 After he begot Enosh, Seth lived eight hundred and seven years, and had sons and daughters. 8 So all the days of Seth were nine hundred and twelve years; and he died. 9 Enosh lived ninety years, and begot Cainan. 10 After he begot Cainan, Enosh lived eight hundred and fifteen years, and had sons and daughters. 11 So all the days of Enosh were nine hundred and five years; and he died. 12 Cainan lived seventy years, and begot Mahalalel. 13 After he begot Mahalalel, Cainan lived eight hundred and forty years, and had sons and daughters. 14 So all the days of Cainan were nine hundred and ten years; and he died. 15 Mahalalel lived sixty-five years, and begot Jared. 16 After he begot Jared, Mahalalel lived eight hundred and thirty years, and had sons and daughters. 17 So all the days of Mahalalel were eight hundred and ninety-five years; and he died. 18 Jared lived one hundred and sixty-two years, and begot Enoch. 19 After he begot Enoch, Jared lived eight hundred years, and had sons and daughters. 20 So all the days of Jared were nine hundred and sixty-two years; and he died. 21 Enoch lived sixty-five years, and begot Methuselah. 22 After he begot Methuselah, Enoch walked with God three hundred years, and had sons and daughters. 23 So all the days of Enoch were three hundred and sixty-five years. 24 And Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him. 25 Methuselah lived one hundred and eighty-seven years, and begot Lamech. 26 After he begot Lamech, Methuselah lived seven hundred and eighty-two years, and had sons and daughters. 27 So all the days of Methuselah were nine hundred and sixty-nine years; and he died. 28 Lamech lived one hundred and eighty-two years, and had a son. 29 And he called his name Noah, saying, “This one will comfort us concerning our work and the toil of our hands, because of the ground which the LORD has cursed.”
The first thing you notice when looking at this passage is that there are 25 numbers in this genealogy - this is important because the number 25 itself relates to all of the promises of God:
25 - the promises of God
For example:
Abram was called when he was 75 (3 x25) and given numerous promises:
1 Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will show thee: 2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: 3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. Genesis 12:1-3
Later, when he was 99 God promised that he would be the father of many nations, this act of Grace was symbolized by adding the 5th letter of the Hebrew alphabet, the letter Hey (הַ) to his name, which was changed to become Abraham. Then 1 year later, exactly, 25 years after being called he received the promised Son at the age of 100 (25 x 4) through whom all of the promises of God to Abraham flowed.
In Revelation Chapters 4 and 5, the apostle John has a vision of Heaven and in God’s Throne room, he sees exactly 25 Thrones, God’s throne and those occupied by the 24 elders showing that just as Jesus promised, Believers will rule and reign with him in Eternity.
So clearly this genealogical passage is about God’s promises and while the greatest message associated with the straight meanings of the names is about the God who promised to come and die for our sins to bring us comfort, it is not the only message. It is also about another promise that will bring us comfort, as we shall see.
Our first hint of this promise can be seen by noting that these 25 numbers are listed in 27 verses, starting in verse 3, as outlined above. Then if you simply multiply these three numbers (25, 27 and 3) together, it gives us the following, which could possibly be a hidden clue to the timing of the end-time event:
25 x27 x3 = 2025.
Interestingly, the 3 numbers can mean:
3 - God
25 - promises
27 - last days
And in a sentence could possibly read as:
God’s promises will be seen in the last days = 2025
The 25 Genealogical Numbers
However, regardless of whether this is coincidental or not, or is simply seen as overreaching with numbers, the main prophecy actually comes from the numbers associated with the ages in the genealogy, not just the pattern of the verses that contain the numbers, and as such it is independent to this observation - I have listed the 25 underlined numbers taken from this passage below:
Firstly, when you examine this list of 25 numbers, you will note that some of them are a multiple of 5 (ending in the number 5, or 0) and some of them end in another number (either 2, 7, or 9).
Multiples of 5
In fact, 17 (a number associated with new Resurrection Life) of the 25 numbers are multiples of 5, with 5 representing the Grace of God - I have listed these 17 numbers below:
The Subset of 8 Genealogical Numbers
Then on a closer examination, it can be seen that the remaining 8 (a number associated with Jesus) numbers that I have highlighted in bold in the first list above, that end in either 2, 7 or 9, are actually all multiples of 5 (Grace) + 7 (or are a multiple of 7, which is God’s oath / promise / covenant to fulfil the greatest act of Grace ever seen in human history). It is to this subset that our focus will now be moved.
I have listed the 8 numbers separately below:
807 - connected with Seth
182 - connected with Noah
The Hidden Number 121 - and its connection to the High Priest
As an aside, it is important to understand that this genealogy, from which all the numbers are taken, all relates to the messianic line that ends in Jesus our Messiah.
So, with the 8 numbers (noting 8 is a number associated with Jesus) that were a 'multiple of 5 plus 7', or it’s multiples, I thought it would be interesting to see what all the digits added to, with the progressive total being tallied in the brackets to the right of each number, as follows:
8+7(15)+9(24)+1(25)+2(27)+1(28)+6(34)+2(36)+9(45)+6(51)+2(53)+1(54)+8(62)+7(69)+7(76)+8(84)+2(86)+9(95)+6(101)+9(110)+1(111)+8(119)+2 = 121
Notably, 121 is not just a random number, as it would at first seem, because this number which represents the names that form a section of the ‘Messianic Seed of the Woman line’ also points to another foreshadow of the Messiah (the anointed one) who would save His people. That is, the numbers 121, taken from Seth to Noah point to another section of the Messianic line in Jacob, who as the father of Joseph became a foreshadow of God the Father and His Son (the Messiah), with Joseph being a type of Jesus.
121 - How Jacob / Joseph foreshadow God the Father / Jesus
There are many parallels, but just a few examples should suffice:
Jacob / Israel is 121 years old when Joseph turns 30. This is the time when Joseph is appointed to the highest office of the land enabling him to save his people
Similarly, Jesus was 30 when he began His ministry, after being baptized by John the Baptist. It was through this event that Jesus became the true high priest, enabling Him to save His people. Essentially, Caiaphas was not the true High Priest in Jesus day, he was simply a Roman appointee, appointed by the Roman Procurator Valerius Gratus.
Joseph, was 17 when he was sold by his brothers for 20 pieces of silver
and Jesus was 33 when He was sold for 30 pieces of silver. Interestingly, Jesus who IS our Jubilee (50) seems to complete this typology with their ages being Joseph (17) + Jesus (33) = 50 when they were sold; and also the number of pieces of the silver (representing redemption) that they were sold for also being equal to 50, or 1 Jubilee with Joseph (20) + Jesus (30) = 50.
After various trials and troubles, Joseph correctly interprets Pharaoh's dream as symbolizing 7 years of bountiful harvests followed by seven years of famine (Genesis 41:1 - 36). His wisdom, given by God, is rewarded by elevating him to the second most powerful position in Egypt (verses 39 - 46) - After Jesus suffers and dies for us, He is resurrected and elevated to the highest position of authority in all of creation, sitting at the right hand of the Father.
So, the number 121, the addition of these 8 special numbers in the genealogy, points to the time when Jesus ministry began at 30. This is the time when He became our High Priest and was authorized by God the Father to be able to apply the blood of the Sacrifice Lamb, which would be His own blood, to the Mercy Seat on our behalf. In a consistent use of numbers, 121 is also 11 x 11 and the number 11 is associated with the Sin and the Lawless One, or the Anti-Christ, as Daniel 7 shows:
7 After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and broke in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it: and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns. 8 I considered the horns, and behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things. Daniel 7:7-8
This is significant when we consider that 2 Corinthians 5:21 also states:
21 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. 2 Corinthians 5:21
As such, we can see that a number (121) that points to a time when Jesus could apply His own blood to the mercy seat is also connected to Sin through its factors of 11, showing how Jesus both became Sin and the Sacrifice for Sin, in our place. It was the great exchange that defies human imagination, but reveals the depth of God's Love.
The 8 numbers and the 5 name subset genealogy
Obviously, this sacrificial event was fulfilled in His first coming on the Cross and so is not an end-time prophecy, rather it was the event pointed to by the full 10 name genealogy (from Adam to Noah), that would be the necessary precursor of the later prophecy event, that is yet to take place in the end of days. This later event is to pointed to by the smaller genealogy (Seth to Noah) that involves 8 numbers and only 5 names, as will be seen in the following section.
Methuselah and the Hidden end-time event
As suggested, more information on this next event is obtained by noting that there are 5 names out of the list of 10, in the full genealogy, that are associated with the ages that are represented by these 8 numbers that again are multiples of 5 plus 7 - These names that form a subset of the original Genealogy list are Seth; Jared, Methuselah, Lamech and Noah - I have highlighted these 5 names in the original list by making them bold and underlined, as follows:
Adam - man
Seth - appointed
Enosh - mortal
Cainan - sorrow
Mahalalel - blessed God
Jared - come down
Enoch - teaching
Methuselah - his death will bring
Lamech - the despairing
Noah - comfort
By looking at just the meanings associated with these 5 names, we see the modified message of this smaller portion of the genealogy, that essentially reads as follows:
He (Messiah) is appointed (Seth) to come down (Jared), His death will bring (Methuselah) the despairing (Lamech) comfort (Noah).
Given that we are no longer looking at the meaning of the full genealogy, which pointed to the event of the Cross because it described Man as being appointed mortal sorrow, we can now see that the next event being hinted at is actually the Rapture because it is now the Messiah being appointed, not Mankind, to bring comfort. So, while this shorter section of the genealogy still talks about "His death bringing comfort", it is important to note that because of the shift in who is being appointed, this "death" is now being considered as a historical event, not part of a future event. It is only the coming down to bring comfort that is yet to occur.
This point is also affirmed by the fact that this message is all wrapped up in a section of the genealogy that includes the first man ever to be Raptured - Enoch; and importantly, as will be seen through the numbers associated with this section, this smaller portion of the genealogy includes a pointer to this event, by pointing to one name Methuselah.
Methuselah - The one Age and Person all the numbers Point to
How does it do this?
It does this by highlighting the promises attached to Enoch’s son Methuselah, whose dying at 969 was a multiple of 5 in 955, but with the addition of 14, not 7 like the others.
Essentially, all the numbers point to the one number that is different to the pattern, that is the number associated with the age of Methuselah. It is the one number that doesn’t fit the pattern because it involves the addition of 14, not 7, as the breakdown of the 5 names with their associated number below shows:
Age Composition of AGE
Seth - 807 = 800 + 7 - He (Jesus the Messiah) is appointed
- 912 = 905 +7
Jared (begot Enoch) - 162 = 155 + 7 - He will come down
- 962 = 955 + 7
Methuselah begot Lamech - 187 = 180 + 7
- 782 = 775 + 7
Methuselah dies - 969 = 955 + 14 - His Death will bring
Lamech begot Noah - 182 = 175 + 7 - the despairing comfort
So just like the typology of Joseph above, who had 7 years of plenty before 7 years of famine, for a total of 14 years, I believe that in Jesus the 70th week of Daniel will be both the 7 years of plenty for the Bride of Christ in Heaven and the 7 years of famine for those left behind on earth. Essentially, God will compress time turning 14 into 7. He is the only one who can do this, as He says in Amos 9:13:
13 Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that the plowman shall overtake the reaper, and the treader of grapes him that soweth seed; and the mountains shall drop sweet wine, and all the hills shall melt. Amos 9:13 (KJV)
Also, the number 14 is significant because it is associated with the Passover (14th Nisan), when the Messiah became the sacrifice lamb to die for our sins to bring the despairing comfort, as the meaning of the genealogy states. So this number could therefore be meant to show both the historical reality of Jesus' sacrifice along with its future benefit for all those who put their faith in that sacrifice.
The meaning of Methuselah's name
Further clarification of this can be gained by looking at the meaning of Methuselah’s name - מְתוּשֶׁלַח
Significantly, in this respect, while it is grammatically acceptable to translate the meaning of Methuselah’s name as “His death will bring”, or “ with his death it will come”, as Chuck Missler first did, it is important to note that more precisely the meaning is “with his death, it will be sent” because the primary meaning of Selah - שֶׁלַח, the second half of the name, means “to Send”.
So, while Methuselah, as a stand-alone name, was originally a pointer to the flood, in that when Methuselah died, the flood came (or was sent), a deeper meaning as pointed out originally by Chuck Missler was that it was the Messiah’s death that would bring comfort. With that as our basis of understanding, we can see from the new context pointed to by the 8 numbers and 5 names, that it is an event connected with the Messiah, who is appointed to come down, and it is no longer about Man being appointed mortal sorrow.
Additionally, as seen above, we note that the 8 numbers point to a time when Jesus is already our High Priest; and that the verse structure of 27 points to an end-time event. This affirms that the context of this subset of the genealogy, is not emphasizing Jesus’ First Coming, when He came to bear the sins of others and die on the Cross, rather it is emphasizing another meaning, another event, that is still associated with bringing the despairing comfort.
The Connection to the Jewish Wedding
Clearly, because the more precise meaning of Methuselah’s name also involves something being sent, rather than just coming, and it is associated with the Messiah being appointed, we can now see the connection of the event with the Jewish wedding that begins when the Father sends His Son to collect His Bride.
As such, it is also not about His Second coming, rather it is associated with the Rapture (pictured by its connection to Enoch and his son Methuselah), when Jesus is coming down to give the despairing comfort by gathering them to Himself and taking them home to His Father’s house, as described in John 14: 1-3:
1 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. 2 In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. John 14:1-3
Appointed Time
It’s also important to see that the promises associated with the Rapture will occur at an appointed time. This can be seen by adding up the 8 numbers, which are actually ages, after splitting them into their 2 components - the multiple of 5 (grace) and the addition of 7 or it’s multiple (God’s oath to fulfil) and listing them in 2 columns, as follows:
800 + 7 .……….(807)
905 + 7……….. (912)
155 + 7 ..………(162)
955 + 7 …….….(962)
180 + 7 …….…..(187)
775 + 7 .………..(782)
955 + 14 …...…..(969)
175 + 7………….(182)
Total 4900 49
Amazingly, when you add these 8 numbers up in 2 separate columns, that reflect the portion that is a multiple of 5 and the additional component of 7 or 14, they total 4900 and 49 respectively (when adding the 7s only, not the 14 that highlights Methuselah’s name).
49 and its multiples represent God’s perfect time period, made up of never-ending Sabbath cycles, that are also God’s promise to end all sin and transgression, as indicated in Daniel’s 70 weeks of years 490 years - it is an appointed time.
So, these numbers that are both associated with God’s end-time number 27 and His perfect number 49, associated with the time when God will bring an end to sin and transgression, are clearly pointing to a series of significant events, yet to happen in these last days, that will begin with the Rapture.
A further insight to this comes from looking closer at the numbers associated with the one name all the other numbers point - Methuselah.
Methuselah’s Age: 969 and it’s timing clues
So, looking at the age of Methuselah (the son of Enoch who was Raptured) further insights to the Rapture and its timing, which the pattern of 49s above show is at an appointed time, are revealed.
969 has 3 factors - 3 x 17 x 19 = 969
3 - God
17 - New Resurrection Life - Jesus was resurrected on the 17th Nisan
19 - Coming or going of God’s Spirit and being hidden in His presence (see below for support of this meaning).
In this way, the meaning of the numbers that are the prime factors of Methuselah's age suggest the following, in relation to the Rapture event.
God (3) gives us new resurrection life (17) when His Spirit (as the Restrainer) is removed (19) hiding us during the time of wrath
19 - Significantly, 19 is the both the Presence of God (which can come and go) / and Judgement, and as such is also connected to being hidden in Him when we are in His presence, or judged when we are not. That 19 carries these related meanings can be demonstrated by numerous examples, but a few below should suffice:
1) An example of God’s Spirit being removed in association with 19 is when Nebuchadnezzar first attacked Jerusalem in 605 bc and took some captives to Babylon before returning 19 years later to destroy the Temple. Just before the destruction, Ezekiel records that the Presence / Glory of God came to the threshold of the Temple and paused (as though He was looking back in sadness and longingly wanting to remain with his people) before departing to the east and the Mount of Olives and then disappearing. Fast forward to 1948 when Israel is back in the land in their own right, but still do not control East Jerusalem, the West Bank or the Temple Mount. Then 19 years later in 1967 God judges the nations and gives His people a miraculous victory in the 6 Day war and all of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount come back into their hands - a picture of God returning to His people in the last days.
2) An example of 19, in connection with being hidden in God (when His presence abides with us) is the Generation in the wilderness after leaving Egypt. When they arrived at the Promised Land, most of the people did not Trust that God would give them the victory. Rather, they believed the bad report of 10 of the 12 spies and those of that generation who were 20 years old and over had to die out, wandering in the wilderness for 40 years, before the people could enter. So all who were 19 and under were not held accountable and were effectively hidden and protected in the wilderness prior to entering the Promised Land, while the others received judgement.
3) Also Eve, whose name has the value of 19 in Hebrew, was not held accountable for mankind’s fall. So, Eve was hidden, while Adam received the greater judgment that would require God Himself to come as the second Adam to pay the price of that Judgement to save us.
In fact, the meaning of 19 is so important that God created a naturally occurring 19-year cycle in the heavens to track His promises related to His presence and being Hidden in Christ, if we put our trust in Him. As Scripture states, one day all of Israel will be saved and to help them understand His prophetic time-line of Salvation, He gave them 8 Jewish Feasts, or appointed times, that would involve both acts of God to accomplish Salvation (through His Presence as Emmanuel - God with us) and times of celebration as His people gathered, to either remember his deliverance (Passover) or enjoy His presence (Feast of Tabernacles).
Significantly, these Feasts were and still are to occur upon specific days of specific months on their calendar, such as the Passover always occurring on the 14th day of the 1st month, noting God never named the months, that is man’s tradition. The calendar that was both lunar and solar was kept accurate by basing it upon what is now known as the Metonic Cycle, which is a 19-year cycle that adjusts the days and the months to align the slightly different cycles of the Sun and the Moon over this period, such that the Feasts do not slip out of their appointed season. Mathematically, it is known to be the most accurate calendar for any time period up to 100 years, being regularly adjusted for by the use of intercalary months, in a defined sequence throughout the 19 years. In this way, it ensures the precise appointment of events that were designed to be memorials of his Salvation and times of celebration, where we would be hidden in His presence.
God makes His promises personal for us
Additionally, Gods makes this promise personal for us as follows:
While the prime factors of 969, as seen above were 3, 17, and 19, we obviously have other factors that are not prime numbers, that arise from being a multiple of two of the smaller numbers, as follows:
3 x 17 = 51
3 x 19 = 57
From this, we can now see 5 numbers 3; 17; 19; 51; and 57 that are all factors that can be combined to equal Methuselah's age:
3 x 17 x 19 = 969
51 x 19 = 969
17 x 57 = 969
So, by extension, this means that we now have the following 5 numbers that are all part of forming the hidden meaning of Methuselah’s Age,as follows:
3 - God
17 - New Resurrection Life
51 - As a multiple of 17 this also carries the meaning of new life, but importantly because of its connection to Moses consecrating the Israelites on the 51st day, after leaving Egypt, it is also about all of God's people consecrating their lives to God.
19 - Coming or going of God’s Spirit and being hidden in His presence.
57 - As a multiple of 19, it also carries the meaning of being hidden in God - see additional analysis of 57 in a section below.
Interestingly though, before considering 57 further, it is also worth further expanding our understanding of 51:
3 x 17= 51
3 x 51= 153
The combinations above show how 51 relates to the numbers 3,17, 51 and 153 which suggests that God is saying:
God (3) will give new Resurrection Life (17) to us if we consecrate ourselves to Him (51), and He will then use us to bring Salvation to others (153), just like harvest of fish in John 21:11.
11 So Simon Peter climbed back into the boat and dragged the net ashore. It was full of large fish, 153, but even with so many the net was not torn. John 21:11
Then, back to the original 5 numbers (3; 17;51;19 and 57) associated with Methuselah's age, if we put it all together, with the context of the genealogy in mind, we find it pointing to the Rapture event, as follows:
God (3) is offering new Resurrection Life (17) to all who consecrate themselves to Him (51) and when the Holy Spirit as the Restrainer is removed (19) we will be gathered to Him and hidden in His presence (57) while the indignation / tribulation occurs on earth.
This amazing promise of being Raptured is all concealed in a genealogy that includes a type of all who will be Raptured (Enoch) and then hidden in Christ, while the wrath of God is poured out on the earth. All of it being revealed through the numbers that appear in correlation to Methuselah, who is the one person that all of the numbers in the genealogy point to.
One final distinction that needs to be made though in relation to 19 and 57 is that while both can involve being hidden in Gods' presence, 19's primary emphasis is on the coming or going of God's Spirit, while 57 (which is 3 x 19) is more exclusively focused on being hidden in Christ. Understanding this will become very important when we look at the timeline of Noah to find what I believe is a hidden timing clue for the Rapture event that was pointed to by all of these numbers.
57 - The connection with Noah and being Hidden in the Lord
Firstly, it is important to it is important to remember that Jesus said that the end will be as in the days of Noah.
In this respect, Noah and his family were hidden in the Ark, which is a picture of Jesus, and of us being protected from the wrath of God, in the form of the flood, which is a picture of the Tribulation.
In relation to 57 - we note that on the first day of the 1st month (Later under Moses the Calendar would be changed making this the 1st day of the 7th month) which today is celebrated as Rosh Hashanah, or the Feast of Trumpets and considered by many as the day that "no one knows the day or the hour of", Noah rolls back the covering of the Ark - think Revelation 6th seal - the Rapture - when the Dome, or the Sky, or the Firmament is rolled back - Noah and his family then remain in the Ark for another 57 days (3 x 19) before God tells them to come out. So, they were literally Hidden by God, essentially hidden in Jesus, for 57 days, while the rest of the world was judged and destroyed by the wrath of God.
This is seen in the following verses Genesis 8:13-19, understanding that each biblical month was 30 days. So at the beginning of the 1st month Noah removed the covering from that ark, noting the surface of the ground is dry and then by the 27th day of the 2nd month, which is 57 days after removing the covering of the ark, he notes the whole earth is completely dry - it is only after this time period that Noah is told to come out of the Ark by God:
13 By the first day of the first month of Noah’s six hundred and first year, the water had dried up from the earth. Noah then removed the covering from the ark and saw that the surface of the ground was dry. 14 By the twenty-seventh day of the second month the earth was completely dry. 15 Then God said to Noah, 16 “Come out of the ark, you and your wife and your sons and their wives. 17 Bring out every kind of living creature that is with you—the birds, the animals, and all the creatures that move along the ground—so they can multiply on the earth and be fruitful and increase in number on it.” 18 So Noah came out, together with his sons and his wife and his sons’ wives. 19 All the animals and all the creatures that move along the ground and all the birds—everything that moves on land—came out of the ark, one kind after another. Genesis 8:13-19
In this respect, it is important to recognize that all the Old Testament saints that lived before Jesus were still saved by their faith in him. As Job stated in 19:25-27 (interesting 3 numbers - 19,25, and 27)
25 For I know that my Redeemer lives, And He shall stand at last on the earth; 26 And after my skin is destroyed, this I know,That in my flesh I shall see God, 27 Whom I shall see for myself, And my eyes shall behold, and not another. How my heart yearns within me! Job 19:25-27
Similarly, Noah's faith was in the God who would redeem Him and he understood that the sacrificial system was a pointer to Jesus' sacrifice because his first act when coming out of the Ark was to build an alter to the Lord and to take of every clean animal and of every clean bird and offer burnt offerings on the altar.
Like Job, Noah's faith essentially looked forward to the Cross (however he understood it), while ours looks backwards and as such Noah and his family were literally hidden by God, hidden in Jesus, for a further 57 days after the Flood had finished, while the rest of the world that had been judged and destroyed by the wrath of God in the form of the flood was still under the effects of the water soaked ground, that until the 57 days had passed, could not begin to sustain life again.
Now again because Jesus said that the end will be "like in the days of Noah", this becomes a massive timing clue when you understand that because God delayed Noah's exit from the Ark for 57 days, the very first day of their new life was actually on the 58th day, after the flood ended.
Significance of 58
This is significant because Noah’s name in Hebrew is comprised of two letters נֹ - Nun (50) and חַ - Heth (8) - נֹחַ , which combined have the value of 58. The same two letters reversed make the word Grace, which obviously also has the value 58. This is why when Noah was born it was said that he would bring the people comfort.
Therefore, the man whose name means 'comfort and grace' and has the value 58 starts his new life on the 58th day.
The Hidden End-Time Prophecy
As such, we are now ready for the final clue, in relation to the hidden end-time prophecy, for while all these numbers, point to Methuselah, the next generation of the Raptured one (Enoch) and they suggest that the next generation of believers is soon to be Raptured, we still don't know when this will happen, aside of the date hinted at by the verse structure of the genealogy discussed above.
As the numbers also highlight that this event will not occur at any random time, as often stated, but at an appointed time due to the 8 numbers involved adding to 4900 and 49, just like Daniel's 70 Weeks, that correlates to 490 years, this is all very suggestive that we may be able to find some more clues as to when Jesus the Messiah will come down to bring His despairing people comfort. It would not be by dying on the Cross again because that is already finished, but by meeting them in the air. Then all believers, like Enoch, will be Raptured and like the numbers given to his son Methuselah (3, 17, 51, 19, 57) we, as believers who have consecrated our lives (51) to God (3), will be caught up in new Resurrection Life (17) and Hidden (57) with Him (3), when the Holy Spirit as the Restrainer is removed (19), all while the unbelieving will endure His wrath.
But when will this happen??
Think of the key appointed time of our generation, when the nation of Israel was reborn in 1948, noting that 48 was hinted at by several things such as Abraham, the Father of the Nation being born 1948 years after Adam; and the Tabernacle representing Jesus’ and God’s presence being built from 48 boards that enclosed the Holy of Holies in the wilderness Tabernacle. And think of both Noah and a few of the numbers connected to Methuselah, that we have already discussed, including 3; 19; and 57
Starting at the key appointed time of 1948, adding the 19 years that is one of the factors of Methuselah’s age and a pointer to God's Spirit returning, this would take us from 1948 to 1967. Essentially, in 1967, exactly 19 years after becoming a nation again, we have both a picture of God’s Presence returning and a judgment on the nations beginning, with Israel reclaiming control of East Jerusalem; the West Bank; and most importantly the Temple Mount, the site of God’s Throne on Earth. And in spite of the trouble, they have had since then, there is no doubt that like Noah and his family, Israel have been hidden in God (57). If they hadn’t, they would have been destroyed many times over by now because almost the entire world is against them, and they would no longer exist.
Continuing on from 1967 if we now add the 57, that is both a factor of Methuselah’s age (17 x 57 = 969) and a pointer to being Hidden in Christ (19 x 3= 57) as prophetically foreshadowed in Noah's timeline; and we use the 'day for a year' timing principle that Scripture has used elsewhere (eg. Ezekiel's 430-day prophecy); this will take us to 2024 (1967 + 57). At this point, we must remember that like Noah, the first day of their new life, their first day of true comfort and grace, after being hidden for 57 years, would be the 58th year which leads us to - 1967 + 58 = 2025
So, even these numbers support 2025 and 58 supports the meaning of the event with 58 = 50 + 8 - where 50 represents the Jubilee, where all that was lost is restored by 8, which is Jesus.
Regardless, of whether or not my conclusions are correct, the pattern in the numbers are fascinating and definitely seem to show a hidden design meant to convey something significant is coming.
One final thought related to the numbers that are the Factor of Methuselah's Age which form a message to us in two sentences, as per below:
3, 17, 51 - God (3) will give new resurrection life (17) to us if we consecrate (51) our lives to Him.
3, 19, 57 - and at the appointed time, when the Restrainer (3) is removed (19), will hide us (57) from the wrath to come.
Is that another interesting pattern related to the same 8 numbers (807; 912; 162; 962; 187; 782; 969; 162) that actually pointed us to Methuselah's name in the first place, can be seen by adding them as pairs, as follows:
7+2= 9
This gives us 17+1+9 = 27 - Last days or end times
This gives us 10+12+4 = 26 - God's personal name
This gives us 8+16+9 = 33 - Christ (age when He died)
This gives us 10+14+11= 35 - Completing the Work of Grace
So, putting all of this together from this perspective we get the following from the resulting numbers (27,26;33;35):
In the Last Days (27), God (26) in Christ (33) will complete His work of Grace in His People (35) - which again definitely seems to be another way of promising the Rapture.
And interestingly, as seen above, the part of the genealogy from which all these numbers came from also points to when Jesus was baptized to become our high priest so that, as Colossians 3:3 confirms, we could be "...hidden with Christ in God."
"3. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God." Colossians 3:3
Then, if you multiply the number for being hidden in Christ (57) with the number that represents the completion of God's wprk of Grace (35) in our lives and add it to the age of Jesus (30), when He was baptized to begin that work, you get:
30 + (57 x 35) = 2025
Even if this is a coincidence, then at least it is a consistent one, and people need to begin preparing their hearts because regardless of whether Jesus comes back next year or not, we know from many other scriptures that His return is not far away. As Scripture also says, the clouds are the dust of His feet (Nahum 1:3) and as such I believe we are hearing His Footsteps.
Hopefully, whoever reads this, finds it interesting and at least encourages you to search for patterns yourself as God is a God of order and as Amos 3:7 states He wants His servants to know His Secrets.
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