The Meaning of the Numbers 1-9 Squared, or raised to the Power of 2

1 – 1² = 1 – Unity; Godhead and God the Father remain unchanged. God says in Malachi 3:6  “6 For I am the LORD, I change not;”

2 – 2² = 4 – Union; God the Son are seen as connecting the Son of God with the World. As we know he becomes the saviour of the world which Romans 8 says is groaning as it awaits our Redemption.

3 – 3² = 9 – So Divinity; Trinity and the Holy Spirt are all seen to be bringing about the finality of Redemption through Sacrifice and Judgement in Holiness and Purity. All of which is seen in the Cross of Jesus – It is Finished.

▪ 4 – 4² = 16 – The World that is connected with the Son of God 22  (As above) is now seen to bring about the ‘First Born’ of all Creation (Col 1:15) who is the First Fruits of all shall be made alive at Christ’s coming (1 Corinthians 15:22-23) – 16 is the date of the Feast of First Fruits.

▪ 5 – 5² = 25 – The Work of the Holy Spirit - Grace; Empowering of the Holy Spirit is now seen in action in throughout the history of Mankind to bring about all of the Promises of God  that are given both for our Redemption and then for our Adoption as Sons of God, co-heirs with Christ for all of Eternity. The connection of 25 to the Promises of God will be seen later through looking at the numbers associated with Cross of Jesus or the Crucifixion event – but note it is central to what follows in terms of determining God’s timing in relation to the End-Times.

Psalm 25 is a good snapshot of all these themes as follows:

– Work of the Holy Spirit in the Believer – “4 Show me thy ways, O LORD; teach me thy paths. 5 Lead me in thy truth and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on -- thee do I wait all the day. Psalms 25:4-5;

All of God’s Promises – “13 His soul shall dwell at ease; and his seed shall inherit the earth.14 The secret of the LORD is with them that fear him; and he will show them his covenant. Psalms 25:13-14 

– And Redemption - 22 Redeem -- Israel, O God, out of all his troubles. Psalms 25:22

▪ Significantly 25 x 2 (50) would become known as the Jubilee (the Restoration of Gods Promises) so 25 underlines Redemption too.

▪ 6 –  = 36 – -   Man or Mankind as associated with 6 now gains a new meaning with includes Man’s destiny of which there are two options - Heaven or Hell. This seen through such things as understanding that at the beginning of Creation God said let there be light. This was not the light of the Sun that was not connected until day 4, rather it was the pure and holy light of God’s glory.

▪ The first day was created when God separated His Light from the Darkness creating the first 24 (4x6) hour period that was comprised of 12 (2x6) hours of light and 12 hours of darkness. This light lasted for 3 days giving Creation exactly 36 (6x6) hours of Gods Light and 36 hours of Darkness. This reflects the choice mankind would have   - he could trust and obey God and be filled with His light and abide with Him forever ( a promise of heaven), or he could fail to trust the goodness of God and disobey Him, filling his life with a Darkness that would lead Him to Death and ultimately Hell if he did not Repent.

▪ 7 – 7² = 49 – Perfection; Completion; Oath (Swearing); Covenant; Ordinal No; Sabbath - Cycle and Rest are all amplified to represent God’s perfect period of time. This is seen in Matthew 18:22 when Peter asks how many times he should forgive  a brother that sins against him and Jesus uses the number 70 times 7 (which equals 490) to show that forgiveness should be unlimited and based upon Grace and not the Law.

▪ The number 490 would also have been familiar to Peter as the number in Daniel 9:24 that represented the time required to “…make an end of sins; and to make reconciliation for iniquity; and to bring in everlasting righteousness; and to seal of the vision and prophecy; and to anoint the most holy”. As such it was a number that covered the rest of time until fallen man was fully redeemed and was walking in holiness and purity again with his creator.

▪ As a perfect period, it also supports the bible’s inference that Adam / Mankind fell at 99, which meant that he had walked in perfect harmony with God for 98 (2 x 49) years  in what was designed to be an endless cycle of Sabbaths  both in days and years. This was because prior to the fall there was no need for a year of Jubilee, a 50th year. This was only required after the fall at 99 that would restore to God’s people everything they had lost. So two periods of 49 or 98 years had passed before God allowed Satan into the Garden to tempt Adam. As the Bible shows Redemption to be an exact reversal of the Curse that came from the fall, I believe this is why God told Moses to change the Calendar making Nisan the first of the Months ultimately making it align with both the Fall and Redemption with the Fall of mankind occurring on the 14th Nisan, which in the days of Moses would be revealed as the great Passover from Death to Life.

▪ This appears to be why God, whose number as a Trinity is 3, revealed the 490 (49 x 10) year period in Daniel because this was a perfect fulfilling of the Law and it completed the 3rd perfect cycle that Adam failed to fulfil when he listened to Eve, instead of what he had been told directly by God.

8 – 8² = 64 – Jesus; Salvation; and the ‘New Beginning’ all appear to be intensified in relation to 64 to include both Judgement and Salvation - perhaps this may see its greatest example if the Rapture were to occur in 2032, with 64 = 2 x 32. In this way, it may point to the both those being saved and those being Judged - while those being saved will be caught up to meet Jesus in the clouds, those being judged will ultimately go into the Tribulation.

▪However, a biblical example is seen in Numbers 31, in relation to the Lord telling the Moses to take vegenance on the Midianites, who had been leading the Israelites into Idolatry. Ultimately, 32,000 virgins were captured and 16,000 persons (4 x 16 =64), of which the Lord’s portion was 32. All this took place immediately prior to Moses being gathered to his people at the age of 120 (8 x 15), which is also interesting because 12o is an end-time number with the letters of this number in Hebrew literally adding up to 666.

9 – 9² = 81 – Finality and Redemption are ultimately the goal of God’s dealing with man and are at therefore at the core of the Gospel. As such while there does not appear to be any direct reference to 81 in the Scriptures its meaning seemingly comes from the fact that 27 x 3 = 81 and as will be seen 27 is an end-time number that is also related to Redemption; Purity and God’s Presence as well as being a number that repeatedly appears in the Timeline of Noah’s Flood and as such acts as a timing factor in being able to calculate some dates for the season of the Rapture and Second Coming. In fact, as will be seen 81 (the year of the marriage of our family’s first-born son) is actually central to two of these dates. This will be explained in the section specifically dealing with the number 27.